Divine Power: 4 Card Oracle Pull



Step into your power with a 4 Card Pull from the Goddess Power Oracle deck. Featuring 52 cards with goddesses from around the world and cherished through history these cards serve as “a sparkling bridge between the seen and unseen worlds, taking you from the mundane to the mystical. It will guide you to your deepest truth, empowering you to choose freedom from the bondage of your old conditioning, and bring you to a new heightened state of awareness so you can co-create a life beyond your wildest dreams.”

Format & Delivery

I will pull 4 unique cards just for you and then send you a PDF with instructions for how to interpret the spread, what 4 cards were pulled, and their associated message. Use this experience as a tool and portal of introspective and confirmation towards your desired manifestations.

I aim to fulfill each order within less than 1 day however some orders may take 2 - 3 days. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

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